Book Review: The Grand Paradox, by Ken Wytsma

The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God and the Necessity of FaithKen Wytsma’s latest, The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God and the Necessity of Faith, is not another “here’s the real answer” amid the myriad of “conspiracy” titled books about Christianity and/or the Christian faith that have been released in recent years; it’s a “both-and,” “wrestle with the tension,” “it’s okay to have honest doubt” book that is sure to help and encourage both those who currently struggle with their faith and those who could use (need?) that every-so-often, honest look at their current state of being with our creator. Ken has written in an easily accessible manner by which anyone should be able to understand the book’s message without being further confused by his or her own paradoxical state. For some, it may answer, rework, and/or redirect questions, perhaps even give from another’s perspective the permission needed to simply have questions; what it won’t do is encourage the kind unhealthy doubt and skepticism that comes from a position of insincere and dishonest inquiry. This one comes highly recommended by the six pages of endorsements at the beginning of the book (maybe not as over-the-top as I initially thought) and myself. Read, enjoy, and be uplifted.

In a more personal note, I received a copy of the book from Ken over two weeks ago to review and take part in the book launch. Due to other obligations and reading that didn’t get done as soon as I’d planned, I didn’t get to it until today—the day of the launch! So, first things first, I hit my usual spot in the café on the campus of a local Christian college where I like to spend time interacting with students, many of whom use the space for dialogue and inquiry not so much encouraged elsewhere on campus. I begin reading and about a third of the way through I immediately begin thinking of a student who quit and left the school at the end of last semester due to many questions that could not and would not be answered in her previous environment, only to quit going to any church altogether as she wrestles with her faith. I highlight the passage, get one more page into the book, and who should walk into the café but the long absent student back to visit friends! I hop up, exclaim the providential nature of our meeting, have her read the section, and immediately receive affirmation of her relation to the text. I get her mailing address and immediately after finishing the book order a copy for her, marking the first time I’ve done such a thing, and on it’s launch date no less! Take this as you will, and let it stand as a further stamp of my humble approval.

Book Review: The Sacred Year, by Michael Yankoski

The Sacred YearThere are many practices that have been handed down to us through the centuries by our Christian mothers and fathers. Commonly referred to as “spiritual disciplines,” most of these are taken straight from scripture (prayer, fasting, etc.), and some have been formalized and/or structured in ways that are helpful for some. Deciding to spend a year intentionally focusing on many of these practices, seeking guidance from others along the way, Michael Yankoski wrestles with God, others, and himself in unexpected ways. The Sacred Year takes its reader on that journey with Michael through an honest, uplifting narrative that’s sure to open the heart and encourage a more sincere and intentional relationship with our creator. This is a great read for those who are new to the “spiritual disciplines” jargon and want a practical take on how a life can be transformed in and through our Lord, Jesus Christ; but it’s also good for those who are more experienced and are looking for a reminder or some encouragement along the way, as we all need.

Not all people experience the same practices in the same ways, and not all will necessarily agree with the reasons and methods used and applied in The Sacred Year. That’s okay. It’s not a “how to” book, and one should feel encouraged to test, experience, and seek guidance in them as the Spirit leads, should one feel a push to do so. Personally, I found many chapters encouraging and welcome reminders of convictions that sometimes fall by the wayside in my rolling stone way of life. The Sacred Year will be on my recommendation list for students wanting to dip their toes before plunging into the deep end of studying and practicing much found therein.


*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”