Tag Archives: christian

Are We Really That Shallow? (A Few Ways God Encourages His Children to Remember Him and Keep Their Faith)


After recently moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma, I began visiting a small church nearby. During the congregational Bible class before worship services, the elders (for our context, elder refers to congregational leadership) and their wives were generally the only ones who spoke when questions and comments were invited. Since no one knew anything about me, and not wanting to be that guy, I kept silent one morning — whether or not that was the right decision at the time, I may never know. Honestly, I cannot remember the larger context of the class — the topic or passage being discussed now escapes me — but one specific moment has continued to poke and prod its way into being written down.

Before I get to that, I should first explain that this particular tradition within the larger body of Christ claims to “follow nothing other than the Bible” and denounces traditions of men not authorized by “command, example, or necessary inference” within the New Testament. There is a general belief that objects not specifically mentioned and used by first century Christians in the New Testament (e.g., musical instruments in worship) are not authorized for use by God and are thereby condemnable as strange fire (Leviticus 10:1–2). Regarding the use of crosses within this tradition, there is a spectrum; but generally speaking, ornamental use is accepted (more so in a home than in a church building), while using it as a focal point (e.g., prayer or worship) is not.

The Moment

Toward the end of the lesson, the wife of the aged elder teaching the class exclaimed with condescension, “Are people really that shallow? Do they need a cross around their neck to remind them of Jesus? Do they not have enough faith?” Her comments continued with affirmation from her husband, and it was difficult for me to remain silent. Thankfully, a middle-aged woman of the congregation, with much tact and understanding of her congregation’s social dynamic, briefly and carefully mentioned the use of college football paraphernalia commonly used by the congregants as symbols of something enjoyed and supported. Unfortunately, the theological astuteness of her subtle comment was missed and deflected.

It is my hope that my response below — what I fought to contain that morning — will encourage reconsideration for those who affirm the questions’ implications, as well as affirm those of us who need faithful reminders.

Addressing the Question

“Are people really that shallow? Do they need a cross around their neck to remind them of Jesus? Do they not have enough faith?”

So, “Are people really that shallow?” Yes. Yes, we are, and we should not feel shamed for needing external reminders. Faith is not merely an intellectual assent to a specific belief; faith is an all-encompassing allegiance that is often analogized to the relationship of citizens of a kingdom and their king. We may extend this analogy with the use of banners, crests, and other trinkets that demonstrate one’s allegiance and relationship to a king and status within a kingdom. God understands human tendencies and instructed us in ways to help us remember and remain faithful citizens of his kingdom. What follows are some of the reminders we use.

The Greatest Command

In response to a scribe’s inquiry about the greatest command (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27), Jesus quotes from these words of Moses to Israel after his delivery of the ten commandments:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4–9, NRSV)

Notice the inclusion of physical reminders of their relationship to God and his commandments, placing them on hands, foreheads, doorposts, and gates. Those who adhere only to the New Testament may note that Jesus stops short of these externalities; they would, however, certainly accept the examples of the heart and teaching through spoken word that immediately precede these externalities but are still beyond the point at which Jesus ends his quote. Perhaps one might argue that evangelizing through spoken word is found elsewhere in the New Testament and therefore an authorized command, but they would be hard pressed to find in the New Testament the ritualistic means here included for teaching children followed by many parents who would still oppose the use of external reminders. I find this both hermeneutically and pragmatically inconsistent. Does Jesus not condone the greater context of the passage he quotes, including practical means of remembering, practicing, and presenting to others their faith in the one God? (For those who subscribe to the aforementioned hermeneutic, is this not worthy of necessary inference?)


Humans were given stewardship over creation (Genesis 1:28). Therefore, creation may serve as a continual reminder of our responsibilities — of who we are and to whom we belong. But if we’re looking for prooftexts, here are a few regarding the majesty of creation beckoning us to consider and glorify its creator:

The heavens are telling the glory of God;
    and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours forth speech,
    and night to night declares knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
    their voice is not heard;
yet their voice goes out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world.
(Psalm 19:1–4, NRSV)

Observing creation prompted the Psalmist to consider his relationship to both it and God (Psalm 8), the Psalmist calls for creation itself to praise God (Psalm 148), and Paul notes God’s use of creation to perpetual point back to himself, leaving nonbelievers without excuse (Romans 1:19–20). Experiencing and feeling closer to God through nature is not creation worship; it’s allowing creation to direct us to the creator, just as God intended.

Reminders Used in Worship Services

The Bible / Scripture / The Written Word of God

What is it that tells us of the object of our faith? We not only learn from scripture; we are reminded by it. Some people carry a Bible, while others carry something that embodies or reminds them of the words therein (e.g., crucifix or bracelet). Without revisiting the written word of God, I imagine the faith of many would dwindle.

Communion / The Lord’s Supper

While the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic traditions have unceasingly carried on this practice weekly at minimum, many Protestant denominations disagree and differ on the particulars surrounding the practice; however, virtually every Christian church participates in what Jesus instituted in the upper room on the night he was betrayed (Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:14–20; cf. 1 Corinthians 11:23–26). Though the means and frequency differ, it’s difficult to deny the importance of what we call “the Lord’s Supper” has had and continues to have on the church since its establishment. If nothing else, it’s a physical reminder of what Jesus has done — a reminder given by Jesus himself. So, whether once per year or weekly and then some, we all acknowledge the authorized use of external reminders (here the bread and the cup).

Songbooks & Presentation Media

Whether holding an old hymnal or lifting hands to a projection screen, these are more than mere mediums of written and visual communication; they often allow us to recall memories, events, and our place within our traditions. We could even here include bulletin boards used by some congregations for prayer, mission work, and membership. When distilled, they communicate something to us that we then communicate to one another and/or God.

Icons, Sculptures, Art, & Decorations

Rather than argue for or against iconoclasm, I only offer consideration for how images have been used through the millennia as storytellers and reminders. Some church buildings are covered in stained glass, paintings, and architecture of the highest quality, while some churches avoid religious images like the plague, although the latter do often use seasonal decorations and other images. Perhaps we should consider how things are used, such as the difference between worshiping an image (idolatry) and using the image as a reminder of the one being worshipped, before making any sweeping judgments against others.

Church Buildings & Architecture

Whether a gigantic cathedral built through decades of work or a thatched hut that took an afternoon, we often come to recognize our place of gathering for worship as a reminder — sacred even. Whether filled with lavish ornamentation or bare walls, we have our reasons, and those objects (or lack thereof) and reasons continue to serve as reminders of our faith, our beliefs, and our doctrines. The same can even be said for those of us who meet under a shade tree in the desert, on an ocean’s beach, or atop a windy mountain (see “Creation” above). Even tiny apartments accommodating persecuted churches in places where it’s illegal to worship God, these places serve as reminders.

Miscellaneous Reminders All Around Us

Pictures, Mementos, & Family Heirlooms

Not only do pictures capture moments in time, but so do other things to which we attach sentimental value. An old family Bible, usually on display and not read, can be a reminder of our past, our traditions, and our faith, perhaps triggering a particular recollection of a person, place, or event. The same can be said of other items passed down to us (or even acquired on our own): jewelry (e.g., wedding, engagement rings), furniture (e.g., hope chest, antique table), art (e.g., painting, cross-stitching, framed scripture reference), and clothing (e.g., wedding and baptismal garments) may all find their place in our homes.


Perhaps not as many people talk about their computer desktop images these days, but most of us carry a phone with a specifically chosen home screen, one we likely see dozens or even hundreds of times a day. Some people choose family photos, hobby interests, or something they simply find beautiful, among other things; some of us use that space to remind us of our relationship with God. (Those at all familiar with my web and social media presence have likely seen symbols and images I have created for myself to serve that purpose.) Many of us also use apps for Bible reading, prayer reminders, and a host of other things that aid us in maintaining our faith and walk with God.

Friends & Family

The people in our lives can trigger a number of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual responses when we think of them or find ourselves in their presence. While we recognize no one is perfect, there are some people who, in some way, remind us of Jesus, make us want to better people, and invoke a response of glory to God. Some people trigger a negative response, and perhaps in that we are reminded to love — or perhaps recognize our own faults and even our own lack of love.

Reminders for God are Reminders for Us


It’s impossible for me to recall how many children’s Bible classes or Vacation Bible School sessions have been devoted to this lesson — this reminder. After the great flood, God set a bow in the clouds as a sign that he would never destroy the world by water again. But it’s more than that. Here is the passage:

Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring the clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” (Genesis 9:8–17, emphasis added)

Notice God uses “I will remember” twice in reference to the sign that he established. Are we to conclude that God is forgetful or so shallow that he needs a physical reminder? I hope not! A reminder for God is a reminder for us — a reminder that He remembers. God is faithful, and we are neither forgotten nor betrayed; but we tend to be unfaithful, both forgetting and betraying, and often consequentially treat (or at least think of) God as if he is like us. God reminds us that he remembers in order to remind us that he keeps his promises and does not forget. God knows we need reminders.

Two Silver Trumpets

God instructed Moses to have two silver trumpets hammered out to be used for several purposes (Numbers 10:1–10). The latter half of verse 9 and that of 10 note the use of the trumpets being reminders for God on the behalf of his people.

Following God’s Lead

Joshua and the Stones

After Israel had crossed the Jordan River on their way to Jericho, God told Joshua to have twelve stones taken from the river and set up as a reminder for generations to come (Joshua 4). Here we can see that Joshua, of his own accord, took another twelve stones and placed them at the priest’s feet to mark where they stood with ark of the covenant as another reminder (Joshua 4:9). Was this wrong or abhorrent to God? There’s no indication that it is, so it appears Joshua was following God’s lead in marking a momentous place and time for others to remember.

Take Up Your Cross

When Jesus talked about people taking up their cross and following him (Matthew 10:38; Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23), he was speaking figuratively; but for some, it was quite literal. Jesus was not the only one crucified on a cross; others were killed in the same way due to their faith in him. Following God’s lead as Joshua did, is it unthinkable to carry an actual cross, however small, as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and our commitment to him? Let’s pray we never need endure such pain and suffering, but a small reminder of our willingness to do so could probably benefit us all.

Use Wisdom and Take Care

Can reminders like these become idolatrous or cause us to treat particular people and places as better than others? Of course, and I’m sure God knew that when he told Joshua what to do. It’s up to us to understand and protect ourselves from these dangers, but not by excluding these practices and reminders altogether. We can prayerfully discern what to include or exclude from our lives — whether or not a particular item has moved past a symbolic reminder and into a hindering crutch or much worse.

Slippery Slope?

When unsure or unable to argue against what I’ve presented above, among other things, I have often heard warnings against the proverbial “slippery slope.” I have pondered that phrase, the definition of which many find elusive when pressed, and I wonder whether or not we can recognize the degree of said slope: is it sloping down, a warning to the addressed about slipping and falling to one’s peril, or perhaps it is an upward slope, a warning for the addresser who continues falling backward into a blind comfort (or peril?) rather than engaging in the difficult terrain of growing and climbing toward a majestic peak from which we can see our surroundings ever clearer? Perhaps our eyes (or traditions, doctrines, denominations, etc.) are sometimes unable to distinguish between the milk and meat (Hebrews 5:11–14), or even the broad and narrow gates (Matthew 7:13–14).


While some see a thin line between idolatry and the use of external reminders of our faith, I see God-given commands and freedom enabling us to focus on and remember the one true God. Am I really so shallow that I need reminders of and for my faith? Yes, and thank God he tells me so; otherwise, I may find myself sticking to my own foolish wisdom and failing will power.

Let us continue in prayer for God’s wisdom, the Spirit’s encouragement and leading, and for grace and mercy in our failings, offering the same to one another. Perhaps there is more difference between us than there is right and wrong.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.

Book Review: NIV Kids’ Visual Study Bible, by Zondervan

NIV Kids' Visual Study BibleZondervan’s NIV Kids’ Visual Study Bible contains hundreds of labeled images, scores of infographics, and countless easy-to-understand study notes in page margins. Provided images, both photographic and illustrated, are from an array of sources, each noted in fine print below the image. The infographics are beautifully simple and informative (parents will likely want to reference these for their own use)! The study notes are likely to be helpful for young readers, and when addressing controversial issues (e.g., the meaning of “day” in Genesis 1) the contributors include several brief interpretations, which is good for young readers and will lead to good questions and discussions with more mature Christians.

This hardcover copy is a brick, and I doubt any kid will be carrying it around. It may be more helpful as a stay-at-home Bible. I imagine the imitation leather editions may be a bit more portable, but not by much. While the layout is quite reasonable and easy on the eyes, there’s still a lot of wasted space in the set margins wherein study notes are place, which contributes to an increase in physical size.


All in all (NIV translation aside), I think kids will find this niche Bible interesting and helpful, but won’t want to carry it around.


*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Review: Practicing Christian Education: An Introduction for Ministry, by Mark A. Maddix and James Riley Estep, Jr.

Practicing Christian EducationIn Practicing Christian Education: An Introduction for Ministry, authors Mark A. Maddix and James Riley Estep, Jr. appear to be primarily concerned with Wesleyan tradition and ecclesiology in combination with a business model ecclesiology. While the stated purpose(s) of the text are unclear and sometimes contradictory, it is apparent that the book is geared toward those who are looking to be paid “Education Ministers/Pastors” in large congregations who fit the stated models with significant budgets. The book is not about Christian education in a broad sense (e.g., teaching various subjects from and with a Christian manner and perspective), and many will likely find it confusing and unhelpful if looking to it for any purpose other than that stated above.

Assessing it for what it is, and not for what I thought it might be, the text falls short of being very helpful. Disjointed, redundant, contradictory, and unclear throughout, I would not recommend it for the seminary students the authors hope will read it. While there are certainly helpful moments, largely by way of quoting others’ material, I do not find them to be justifiable reasons for wading through the whole. If I had not agreed to review the book, I would have stopped reading after chapter six (out of seventeen) because it felt like I was simply being taken for a ride with no purpose or destination in sight—it didn’t get much better.

While I concur with the authors that churches need to take seriously what, how, and when they teach so that all can (and will!) mature in their faith and life in the kingdom of God, I did not find this book as a whole to be a clear and helpful tool for educating those leading, guiding, and/or undertaking that task.


*I received a temporary, pre-published digital copy for review from Baker Academic via NetGalley.

Book Review: As Kingfishers Catch Fire: A Conversation on the Ways of God Formed by the Word of God, by Eugene H. Peterson

As Kingfishers Catch FireAs Kingfishers Catch Fire: A Conversation on the Ways of God Formed by the Word of God is a collection of sermons presented to Christ Our King Presbyterian Church (UPCUSA) in Harford County, Maryland, by Eugene H. Peterson between the years of 1962 and 1991. While these sermons have been organized according to their relation to major biblical authors (Moses, David, Isaiah, Solomon, Peter, Paul and John of Patmos), they are completely separate sermons with no real connection to one another—neither chronologically or contextually—and no dates are given for their original presentation. This lack of context can make reading a little strange when events are referenced in relative terms (e.g., “A little more than a year ago, three men were orbiting the moon in a space capsule,” [p.8]), some being easier than others to determine the general time of writing. Each sermon is only around six pages long, making them quick and easy reads without too much depth and generally a single overarching point to be made at the end, and the lack of any real connection of one to another easily lends themselves to being chosen and read according to title and/or scripture reference listed in the Contents pages. I imagine some will find this to be very helpful, while others like myself will be left wanting more substance. In my opinion, this could and should have also been released as a series of blog posts free to be read online.


*I received a pre-published, uncorrected proof of this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Book Review: The Berenstain Bears 5-Minute Inspirational Stories, by Stan and Jan Berenstain with Mike Berenstain

The Berenstain Bears 5-Minute Inspirational StoriesHonestly, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Berenstain books when I was a kid. Bears living in tree houses didn’t make a lot of sense, and the Bible messages always seemed a bit off. Of course, I wasn’t your average kid and wasn’t fond of being read to. I’d read something myself or not at all, so I didn’t get any further explanation beyond what I found on the pages. It’s been decades since I last read one of their books, so when I came across The Berenstain Bears 5-Minute Inspirational Stories, I thought I’d give it a shot to see if it’d be something to recommend.

As an adult, I now see the Little House on the Prairie style church, community, and particular denominational undertones, which is going to be received more easily by some than others. (If this was the case with these books when I was a child, then it makes sense why my family didn’t have Berenstain books in our home. However, we did watch the aforementioned TV show, which was easier to follow and from which I learned some interesting lessons.) The cheesy names and artwork are exactly as I remember, and the stories have the same lengthy conflict that’s wrapped up in a tidy single sentence or two. For those who with small children much less critical than I was (okay, I still am, and became an even bigger art snob—just forgive me), these stories may prove helpful when combined with guidance and further explanation.

My only real concern with this Berenstain book in particular has to do with the third story, “The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors,” the Berenstain version of “The Good Samaritan” parable. The “neighbors” are stereotypical hillbilly folk—dirty clothes, clunky car, and all. Their accent and dialect are inconsistently written and the whole story left me rather uncomfortable. The fact that there’s a word missing on page 50 set aside (really, in a simple children’s read-along book), I’d still refrain from using this specific story at all. The rest I could work with.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Review: The Minister as Moral Theologian: Ethical Dimensions of Pastoral Leadership, by Sondra Wheeler

The Minister as Moral TheologianFor the aspiring, new, and even seasoned shepherd/pastor/preacher, I cannot recommend enough Sondra Wheeler’s The Minister as Moral Theologian: Ethical Dimensions of Pastoral Leadership. This is not a book on ethics, as some would academically approach the subject, although Wheeler does offer a brief primer on types and methods; it is an encouragement and guidebook on being ethical for those shepherding the church. Pastors are not merely prayers, preachers, and teachers; we are (ought to be!) shepherds who model the life of a disciple of Christ and guide others to do the same. This means we “walk the talk,” so to speak, and come alongside others—beginning where they are—and guide them in the same.

Life is messy and often encountered in the grey, which makes how we “do ethics” vitally important in our greater task. Regardless of how much some may want or force it to be, it’s usually not as easy as “yes or no” or “do this to fix that.” In such a small book, Wheeler helpfully discusses with much wisdom the “what, when, why, and how” of living, preaching, teaching, and counseling—or not, as the case may need be. While written in a way that often presumes a more traditional, western and liturgical church, particularly with clergy, its application is by no means strictly understood and confined therein. As a longtime pastor of smaller and home-based churches, as well as a mentor, teacher, and guide to those who come from other churches for pastoral care, I found Wheeler’s book to be an exceptionally helpful and encouraging reminder. I learned from her scholarship and wisdom, as I suspect will any reader open to Spirit of God.

Wheeler is already working on a follow-up, also to be published by Baker Academic: Sustaining Ministry: Foundations and Practices for Serving with Integrity. I look forward to reading that, too!


*I received a temporary, pre-published digital copy for review from Baker Academic via NetGalley.

Book Review: A Little Book for New Bible Scholars: Why and How to Study the Bible, by E. Randolph Richards & Joseph R. Dodson

A Little Book for New Bible ScholarsInspired by Helmut Thielicke’s popular publication from 1962, A Little Exercise for Young Theologians, IVP Academic (of InterVarsity Press) has been putting out lengthier books—still quick reads—in it’s A Little Book for New [X]: Why and How to Study [Y] series. Thielicke’s work is so well done in that it shouldn’t be surprising to find it being quoted in these new books. So, what’s the point in trying to replace? I’m not sure that’s necessarily the intent, though some schools and classes may decide to go that route with their book requirements and recommendations.

The latest addition to the series, A Little Book for New Bible Scholars: Why and How to Study the Bible by E. Randolph Richards and Joseph R. Dodson, is certainly not a replacement to Thielicke’s, but it is a welcome and helpful addition. Its helpful and encouraging contributions are often through narratives likely much more palatable and an easier introductory pull into the field for millennials than perhaps Thielicke’s language may be. It is also, as the title suggests, more specific to biblical studies than theology, a distinction students will (should) eventually learn. My only major criticism is on the awkward and uncomfortably forced chapter on equality wherein the authors encourage “female, black, Hispanic, and non-Western scholars to step up and do the hard work of biblical studies” (79). To be fair, it is a sincere and grace-filled attempt at inclusivity. As stated by one of the authors, “Sometimes white male scholars like me can be a jerk. (I may even have stated some things in this chapter in insensitive ways—forgive me.)” (87) That said, I would still recommend the book anyone interested in or considering academic Bible study.


Note: I have not yet read Kelly M. Kapic’s A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology (2012), thus I am unable to speak to how his approach may or may not be different from Thielicke’s and what may or may not be gained from reading it in conjunction with others in this series.


*I received a temporary, unpublished digital copy for review from IVP Academic via NetGalley.

Book Review: Say & Pray Devotions: First Words, Devotions, and Prayers, by Diane Stortz, illustrated by Sarah Ward

Say & Pray DevotionsSay & Pray Devotions: First Words, Devotions, and Prayers is a cute little board book written by Diane Stortz and Illustrated by Sarah Ward. Every page turn brings a new scene that includes a statement for teachable moments, a relevant Bible verse (or phrase), and a simple prayer of just a few words. Several objects and/or actions are annotated for further teaching. Of course, this is what many of us do when reading with children—pointing to things and asking what they are or asking the child to point out something—but this may aid in literacy. My only real complaint is the repetition of annotation. With the illustrations provided, there’s no reason to annotate the same thing anywhere in the book. That’s just lazy.

The illustrations aren’t my favorite, but tiny tots don’t really care about style. However, I’m not sure that a yellow blob labeled “eggs” is very helpful (perhaps sunny side up would have been better illustrated than scrambled). I also may be making too much of this, but when the white family is large and happy and even includes a handicapped child in a wheelchair while black families included a single mother and child (even coming out of a church building), I think there’s room for criticism in its underlying social commentary.

It’s a nice idea, but I wouldn’t pay for this book in particular.


*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Review: Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted, by Shannan Martin

Falling FreeBlogger Shannan Martin wrote a book: Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted. The following are the first two sentences of the final section of the book (don’t worry, no “spoilers” here):

Since I’m you and you’re me and we’re all basically the same person wrapped in different paper, I’m sure some of the words on theses pages are making your heart beat faster. I know this, because I’ve been where you are and, in many ways, still stand right next to you, anxious to imagine what on earth might wait for me just past my line of sight. (207)

I’m not sure to whom she’s writing because I haven’t been less interested in a book. I can’t even tell you what it’s really about because I found it quite disjointed. Perhaps I’m not the target audience. I didn’t know Martin was a blogger before starting the book, and I likely would not have agreed to review this book if I did. Bloggers tend to write books as if they are larger blog posts, and I’m just not into casual writing like the “here’s me being so vulnerable, but I’m really never going to change” stuff with inside jokes embedded via parenthetical statements. I was actually quite bored getting through this one but do not, however, want to diminish the significance of any shared events of Martin’s life.

There was one moment I really enjoyed: “This is the work of God, part chisel, part cannon. He’ll do what it takes to demolish our ‘this is mine’ walls” (144). That’s a brilliant image.


*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Review: The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church, by Peter J. Leithart

The End of ProtestantismUnity in the church is a passion of mine. So, when Brazos Press asked for participation in a book launch for The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church, how could I resist such a title? I’d not heard of the author, Peter J. Leithart, but I looked forward to reading his thoughts on our common ground.

As is the foundation of many of our efforts toward unity in the church (both local and universal), Leithart’s first sentence references Jesus’ prayer in the garden before his crucifixion where he asks the Father that his disciples be united. Shortly thereafter: “Denominationalism is not union. It is the opposite. It is the institution of division. Our friendliness is part of the problem. It enables us to be complacent about defining ourselves not by union with our brothers but by our divisions” (4). Yes! But he continues: “My agenda will make Protestant churches more catholic … I call this ecclesiology and this agenda ‘Reformational Catholicism’” (6). And this is where I let out a sigh, not of relief, but of disappointment. To be clear, his first statement does not imply that churches ought to be more “Catholic” in the Roman sense; he means, rather, that they should be all-encompassing, the general definition of the term. However, his use and interchangeability of “catholic” and “Catholic” in the text do not aid in this clarification, especially since he has labeled his vision of the universal church as “Reformational Catholicism.”

The way Leithart envisions the universal church is fairly detailed. It will include a highly liturgical (meaning more of a “high church” liturgy) service (30) with “energetic” music “accompanied by strings, horns, and drums” (31) where everyone wears white robes (32) and “will use wine, not grape juice,” with the Lord’s Supper (196, n.8). Local churches will be labeled according to their location or a saint (26, with no reasoning for the “saint” part), include stained glass (32), and be lead by a single ruler (33). There’s enough in these few selected details to give the perception of another “made in my image” denomination and enough fodder for people to argue over for days. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming, but what we do with those dreams can be helpful or devastating.

Leithart rightly encourages throughout the text that we work through our disagreements in order to be more unified and that denominations encourage the opposite (e.g., 77–78). What I find to be a foundational disagreement I, and likely many others, have with Leithart is what we do with the following: “The true church, it is said, is an invisible reality that can coexist with visible conflict, division, estrangement, and mutual hatred. That certainly was not Paul’s perspective” (18). While concurring with his critique, I do not believe, as he argues, that the universal church must look and act the same in all places at all times. Conformity and unity may be brothers, but they are not equal. We can both agree that denominational justifications based on this distinction still fail to acknowledge the real division perpetuated therewith, but that does not mean there can be absolutely no difference in those who are unified. Leithart’s dream church does not, for example, take into account the likely inability of some churches to have buildings (not that they are even necessary) or the financial means to maintain stained glass, instruments, and white robe trappings. And what about those who face real persecution and the threat of violence and potentially death just for meeting? If one is to dream up what the universal church will look like before Jesus’ return, it must be practical and take into account a still broken world. Therefore, I maintain that unity can exist without universal conformity. There are some things on which we must necessarily conform (e.g., teaching that Jesus is Lord), but much of what we do and how we do it cannot be codified (e.g., how we love our neighbor) and those differences do not necessitate a new denomination. I hope we can agree that the Spirit may lead two people in two different directions in how they glorify God: one will stay and the other go, one will speak and the other stay silent, and one will die and the other run for his life. We see this in the book of Acts.

For a book that claims universal unity in the church and rightly pushes against American denominationalism, it is actually too American in its focus to be universally beneficial. This is one I want to like so much more than I do, and one I want to dislike more than I do. I’m torn. Perhaps the project we have would have been better approached as The End of American Denominationalism. So, this is where I’ve landed with The End of Protestantism: It is a great contribution to the conversation on unity in the church, one that is obviously in need of more dialogue even after reading this book.


Who is the book for? In my estimation: Church leaders, Christian educators and students.


For promotional material (video clips, images, etc.): www.theendofprotestantism.com.